Mothers Of The World

Thank God for the mothers of the world. They are our angels without wings. They carry with them spirits of Caring, Comfort, Love, and Peace: There must be some magic or miracle force where they dwell, because their work never fails: They create smiles upon sad faces, and turn houses into homes.
Mothers of The World Fulfill These Roles of Providers:
Child Care
Financial Provider
Financial aide
Food handler
Health Care
House Cleaning
Laundry /Clothes Manager
Managing the household budget
Yard work
Mothers are great listeners. They can hear you and work at the same time, while thinking of ways to help you solve a problem.
What Else Do Our Mothers Of The World Do?
They pray to God, each day, to help them fulfill all their goals, while thinking of you.
Written by,
Ellen Jean Barrier

Jesus Christ the World's Greatest Hero

For God so Loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.  (Hebrews 4:16)

The Mirror of My Soul

From within the mirror of my soul, God sees my complete makeup of who I am.
He hears my unspoken words, because he reads my thoughts.  Man judge me by my outer appearance, because he can not know me as God, know me. Man condemn me, for the things that God find to be justified of me. Man hates me, for the things God Love about me.

There is no secret or thought, I can keep from him. And there is no secret place I can dwell in to hide from him. Wherever I go, he is there. Therefore, he is forever present with me.

Father in heaven,
When I fall on my knees before you, please show me your grace and mercy. I need to know that sin, will not cause you to withhold the answer to my desires and needs that I request from you.   In my life, where I am weak, strengthen me, lead me in the way of righteousness, and guide my path with your wisdom. God help me to do the things that pleases you. Help me to feel compassion, empathy, and sympathy for others.   Amen

Written by Ellen Jean Barrier
Barrier's Books & Associates